Retry-iQ Overall Performance
The Overall tab on the Retry-iQ page allows you to monitor the performance of the different Retry-iQ messages for any given timeframe.
It shows the performance in terms of the following:
Sent: Number of emails sent for that specific Retry-iQ message
Delivered: Number of emails that were delivered (excluding bounces) for that specific Retry-iQ message
Delivery Rate: Perentage of users who received the Retry-iQ message out of those who were sent
Opened: Number of users that opened the Retry-iQ message
Open Rate: Percentage of users who opened the Retry-iQ message out of those who were sent
Clicked: Number of users that clicked the Retry-iQ message
Click Rate: Percentage of users who clicked the Retry-iQ message out of those who were sent
Conversions: Number of users that made a purchase by clicking through the Retry-iQ message
Conversion Rate: Percentage of users who made a purchase by clicking through the Retry-iQ message out of those who were sent
Average Order Value: Average value of purchase in that time duration for that Retry-iQ message
Revenue: Total revenue generated by all users that clicked through the Retry-iQ message and made a purchase
Sessions: Total number of website visits within the selected time frame