Integrating with Google Tag Manager


  1. Prepare the data needed from your back-end and send it as a dataLayer object.
  2. Go to your GTM Account.
  3. Create a new GTM tag.
  4. Paste the script and choose the trigger.
  5. Preview the tag to test it.
  6. Publish the tag.

Initializing Ematic.js With GTM

To use Bye-iQ, copy and paste the Ematic initial script to the custom HTML tag in GTM. These are the steps:

Go to your GTM account and create a new tag

alt text

Choose Custom HTML as a tag

alt text

Choose All Pages - DOM Ready as the trigger

alt text

Paste the code to the HTML box

alt text

Retry-iQ Implementation With GTM

To use Retry-iQ, implement 4 events (browse, cart, checkout, conversion) to the GTM as well.

Prepare your data first, and then call our methods based on how your website is structured.

Preparing Data Layer

    'PageType': 'Productpage',
    'Email': '',
    'ProductName': 'Sunset Credenza',
    'ProductId': '43243',
    'ProductPrice': 'Rp 2.449.300',
    'BrandName': 'Hemma',

Abandoned Browse Code Example


    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

    var ematicApikey = "xx91c1b3d11e5a40a0fasdc1100333-sgx";
    var opt = {
        email: "{{Email}}",
        country_iso: "id",
        currency_iso: "IDR",
        language_iso: "id"

    ematics("create", ematicApikey, opt);
    var abpCall = function() {
        var product = {
          id: "{{ProductId}}", 
          price: "{{ProductPrice}}", 
          quantity: 1,
          name: "{{ProductName}}", 
          brandName: "{{BrandName}}",
          imageUrl: "{{ImageUrl}}",
          link: location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname;

        if( && product.imageUrl && ) {
            // call the "browse" method
            ematics("log", "product", "browse", [product]);

    if(  {{PageType}} == "Productpage" ) {
