Rehab Breakdown

Hi-iQ Rehab Breakdown

Hi-iQ Rehab The reactivation attempt # for users Hi-iQ has been applied to
Sends The number of emails sent to subscribers (that Hi-iQ has been applied to) in a given rehabilitation attempt for the selected date range.
Opens The open rate of emails sent to subscribers (that Hi-iQ has been applied to) in a given rehabilitation attempt for the selected date range. You can hover to see the actual number.
Clicks The click rate of emails sent to subscribers (that Hi-iQ has been applied to) in a given rehabilitation attempt for the selected date range. You can hover to see the actual number.

Control Rehab The reactivation attempt # for users Hi-iQ has not been applied to
Sends The number of emails sent to subscribers (that Hi-iQ has not been applied to) in a given rehabilitation attempt for the selected date range.
Opens The open rate of emails sent to subscribers (that Hi-iQ has not been applied to) in a given rehabilitation attempt for the selected date range. You can hover to see the actual number.
Clicks The click rate of emails sent to subscribers (that Hi-iQ has not been applied to) in a given rehabilitation attempt for the selected date range. You can hover to see the actual number.
Info: We recommend adjusting the time period for analysis to a wider ranger, for example, last 3 months. This way, data makes more sense.